Privacy Policy

J21 Corporation fully recognizes the importance of protecting personal information. We have established the following basic policy to ensure that our customers can use our services with confidence. We commit to adhere to this policy as a privacy policy on the J21 website and other websites managed by J21 Corporation.

Collection of Personal Information

J21 Corporation will, as much as possible, specify the purpose of use when handling personal information and will collect it only within the necessary scope.

Use of Personal Information

21 Corporation will use personal information within the scope of the purpose of use indicated at the time of collection, as necessary for operation.

  • For responding to inquiries, confirmation, and sending materials and guidance

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

J21 Corporation will not disclose the collected personal information to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual, except in cases stipulated by laws and regulations and the following cases.

  • When prior consent has been obtained from the individual
  • When outsourcing work externally
  • When jointly used within our group (subsidiaries, affiliated companies)
  • When stipulated by law
  • When necessary to protect significant interests such as life, health, and property of individuals and/or the public

Management of Personal Information

J21 Corporation strives for appropriate management of personal information. We also implement security measures and strive to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc., of personal information.

Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

J21 Corporation will respect and respond to requests from members for disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information.

About the Acquisition of User Cookie Information by Third Parties on the J21 Website

On the J21 website, advertisements may be posted from third parties, including Yahoo Japan Corporation, and in connection with this, the third party may acquire and use cookie information, etc., of users who visited this site. Cookie information, etc., acquired by the third party will be handled according to the privacy policy of the third party. Users can access the opt-out page set up on the third party’s website and stop the use of cookie information, etc., for ad distribution by the third party. A cookie is a mechanism that saves usage history and input content, etc., sent and received between the browser and the server when using a web page, as a file on your computer. The next time you access the same page, the page operator can change the display for each customer using the cookie information. If the customer allows the sending and receiving of cookies in the browser settings, the website can obtain cookies from the user’s browser. Please note that your browser sends only cookies sent and received by the website server for privacy protection. Customers can select settings for sending and receiving cookies from “Allow all cookies”, “Reject all cookies”, “Notify the user when receiving a cookie”, etc. The setting method differs depending on the browser. Please check the “Help” menu of your browser for how to set cookies. Please note that if you select the setting to reject all cookies, you may be restricted in using various services on the Internet, such as not being able to receive services that require authentication.